Friday, March 11, 2011

Does Cm Incease Before Period

With Reason ...

was looking for information on the Japanese restaurant, Harumi, which is located in the same building where the optical center Ruba, as these are the values \u200b\u200bunderpinning for business, with no outstanding reason?
So if you leave things, luck is the goddess of the inept.
What are values?

Value: Property that a person possesses. Is an asset that is identified with good and valuable.
Values: is the consideration it should be with everyone. Our ability to act. Are the virtues that should have each person.
human values: emotional needs to help the man to seek self-fulfillment and personal enrichment values \u200b\u200bhave become an increasingly common theme in all fields, inter alia relate to excellence, success, prosperity and harmonious coexistence. Give us the strength to push us to accomplish great things.
our filters are disposed of our conception of the world and ourselves. Governors of the brain that allow action and behavior. They are created through personal experiences Our experienced belief system can change. A belief may be valid in certain areas or times, and in another time and place can produce unwanted results. It is important to know what are the beliefs that move us.
is the philosophy professed by the Samurai in ancient Japan. These values \u200b\u200bare still practiced today, and that perfect and beyond human beings. In Japanese tradition, the Bush is a term translated as "the way of the warrior." In its original form, are recognized in the seven virtues associated with Bushido: Righteousness, Courage, Compassion, Respect, Honesty, Honor and Loyalty.
- Righteousness Be honest in your dealings with the world. Do not take what is not yours. There is only right and wrong.

Yuu - Courage faces life with courage and bravery in trying to fulfill your goals and life goals. Hiding like a turtle in its shell is not living. A samurai must have heroic courage.
Jin - Benevolence Through intense training the Samurai becomes quick and strong. Develop your daily skills and learn what you do not know. intelligently transmits your virtues to others .

Rei - Respect A Samurai is courteous even to his enemies. A Samurai is not only respected for their ferocity in battle, but also their treatment by others .

Makoto - Honesty When a Samurai has said he will, it is as if you were already done. Not to "give their word," should not "promise", the simple act of talking has set in motion the act of doing. Talking and doing are the same action . Fulfill your obligations and bears the consequences of your actions.

Meiyo - Honor Authentic Samurai has only one judge in his own honor, and is himself. Nobody can hide from yourself and act with transparency.

Chuugi - Loyalty A Samurai is immensely loyal to those under their care. For those of who is responsible, remains ever faithful.

For Firefox Zorrito


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