Monday, October 25, 2010

Canine Bowel Incontinence Treatment

Burundanga used to steal Metro Indepabis

Cicpc captured a gang leader operating in Caracas and Los Teques
Use burundanga to steal Metro
offenders, subject to the Blackberry phone users with a paper impregnated with "scopolamine" , a powerful drug that causes its victims the loss of will to act. The stolen belongings are then sold on the black market
The Body of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC), through theft Division, detained the citizen Joel Antonio Jesús Hernández Mata, 23, who has 4 records police and the leader of a band criminal groups operating in metro stations in Caracas and Los Teques. This was announced by Director of Research of Crimes Against the Economic Heritage, Commissioner Ruben Lugo.
According to the information, the modus operandi was to give victims a role to request an address, which contained a toxin that caused the loss of voluntary action and allowed them out of their belongings as Blackberry brand phones that were then sold cheaper on the black market.
According to the curator, tests on the victims showed that the poison was scopolamine or burundanga. "
The stations operated the banda were Las Adjuntas and "Ali Primera" in Los Teques, although the authorities have handled reports of Capitol Plaza The Hoyada and Venezuela. So far, the CICPC has processed 50 complaints. The situational rooms of different sub-delegations of agency evaluated all records to see whether the cases relate to detainees so far.
Lugo said that three people identified as belonging to the band: Roselis Damelis Araque Hernandez, 18, has no police record and was responsible for capturing the victim, talk and deliver the poison, Jose Hernandez, 18, and Jackson Montilla, in the same age. None has been arrested but divisions requested theft warrant.
The suspect, Joel Hernandez, was presented on Saturday to Courts of Justice ordered custodial sentence for the crime of aggravated robbery and was given detention center boarding El Rodeo.


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