Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pipes Freeze Pvc Pipes


In day excursion of the first hour we were in class until 9 because we are not going . When we go down were playing with a ball that had caught of the class to not get bored on tour . Let's get on top 10 to I thought not worth anything because to enter a room with a projector and was teaching us things pollution, earthquakes, tsunamis , acid rain , etc ...

After they let us go to almorzar.Eso was the best because we were all but women who were on their account only things plantadas.A had half an hour or more called us to teach objects operated with solar energy , radios, flashlights, toys, a calculator that ran on water, and better a portfolio with a plate and she could load mobile the psp . the me 3, etc ...

From: Basi


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