Enough of the fantastic qualities always say horoscope for all zodiac signs. These are the real qualities of people according to their origins and astrological all astrologers know but so far none has dared to say
ARIES (March 21-April 20):
You think very honest, upright, independent and powerful. Well, that shit you just create them. What you really love, is to send and everything is always done in the goddamn way you want, so I have to go to blows. But deep down, you what it is, is a flabby shit (although I hate to admit). You do not get to influence anyone because they cleave the lies, but it happens all the time trying to display their "power." The strip is very liberal, but emputa easily when things get out of control. It is known that what you really wanted was to rule the world, but you never dominate and their children. Arians are good to serve as judges, mothers, Greco-Roman wrestlers and physical education teachers.
TAURUS (April 21-May 20):
You have a determination stray dog \u200b\u200band works like hell. Most people think that you are a miserable miser and a stone head, and indeed they are right. His "persistence" it actually becomes a lame fucking eggs!. It is sweet to the belly water, loves nature, the affairs of others and who love him, when you paste your rechingada he wins. Cree to be right in everything, when in reality almost always is watering, but it's so fucking, that although he recognizes, is not supported or less fist and apologizes to anyone. The bulls are good athletes, encyclopedia salesman (door to door) and interior designers.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
the strip you are communicative, curious, good humored, intelligent and very bitchen, but in reality you are a fake shit 2 sides. His lack of consistency in the things he does, and damned lazy to permanently make it a perfect handle and keyhole. You do not give a damn, what others feel or think and feel fulfilled by putting the horn to all its partners. For you friends are not friends, only serve to get what they want and then just send them to fuck your mother. The Gemini people are generally successful in politics, in the circus, in the novels of the 8, and jumping fences to escape their creditors.
CANCER (June 21-July 21) :
You become the supportive, defensive and sympathetic to the problems of others, what makes you a poor, miserable bastard. You consider yourself a fool and feel that nobody wants. His compassion, sensitivity and emotion, makes the cancer man, a fucking tremendous potential and women with cancer, marriage counselors, police women or nuns. The Cancerians are performing well as hairdressers, best friends and romantic ... what is the same as nothing.
LEO (July 22 to August 22):
You are considered a natural leader, but others think you are a perfect idiot. You are conceited, arrogant and impatient, it is believed the last Coca-Cola in the desert and usually respond to the criticisms leveled at the point of chingadazos, what you call character is probably intolerant of others. Always want to impose their ideas on others, but always others recognize that you are a poor fool who does not know and give mothers by their side for not listening pregnant. The Leo's are very good traffic cops, dictators and insurgents.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22):
You are the logical type, systematic, hardworking, and very analytical. His attitude shitty and being so fucking fuckers exaggerated, they do annoying for your friends and colleagues. You're cold, no emotions, you think all are jerks, mothers care what others think and does what you want, you are a highly treacherous, selfish and proud. Virginians do well as bus conductors, critics and owners of puzzles.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22):
You want others to think that is artistic, idealistic, with class and good taste, that is, if male, probably fucking and if female is immature, vulgar and capricious. Dice protect others and fight against injustice, but because by dint expect something in return. Although he did not like to admit, is a damn stubborn, stingy, hypocritical and manipulative. Use every opportunity you have to disqualify the other to other to get along. Librans are good lawyers, architects and managers of homeless shelters.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
You are the worst of all, suspicious, vengeful, obsessive, vindictive, cold, proud, mischievous, cynical, calculating and a bastard to do business. You are the perfect Son of a bitch. Just loves his mom and himself, by the way, some of you even love the mother, because they have no mother. Beware the scorpion men, because they can sting with its tail. The Scorpio has the conditions for terrorist, Nazi, fiscal tax and football referee.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):
You think optimistic, adventurous and has a strong tendency to do so mediocre, lack of proof does not finish anything he starts, nothing takes it seriously, living in a bubble of childhood dreams stupid and idiots. You meet all the conditions to be immature, undisciplined, childish, irresponsible, and limited concentration. That explains why most Sagittarians never achieve anything. They are excellent waiters, globetrotter and idiots.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 21):
You are conservative, serious, cold and inflexible as a steel bar. His faithfulness and patience, are not sufficient arguments to hide their materialism and ambitious side, but ... "What the fuck you care, if you like your damn money is going? Would sell his mother if there's a good deal of work to make old whore in the nearest corner of your home without paying the taxi. Capricorns are successful as bankers, lenders or have at home, the money of the wife.
AQUARIUM (January 22 to February 18):
You think you have a creative mind and led to progress, so you often is reality and make the same crap over and over because it is so stupid and stubborn and capricious. If you have not caught 'in flagrante' was because some idiots over you. Aquariums love novels and do not admit they love to gather in groups to talk shit and a half. Aquarians are optimal trade unionists and stylists, sometimes the two things at once.
PISCES (February 19-March 20):
You are the type dreamer idiot, mystical, sensitive and tends to give much. If you are male, your chances of becoming whore are very high. You are full of petty and superfluous of advice, do nothing other than idiots and try the patience and pocket guey all about them, because they believe every damn fish, that they alone are perfect, but it is Zodiac perfect stupid. Piscean women, it is a good presenter of children's programs and pornographic actress.
For El Pelon
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