Today is a day for women, but really every day is a day of women worldwide every day there are hundreds, thousands, millions of women who struggle, strive, learn, grow, reproduce and die lol and although that sounds like biology is the truth, so as a woman proud of the XX genetic information, I had to either make a contribution by referring to this date.

Before enacting the March 8 as International Day Women had already held similar events among which include the Women's Day held in the United States February 28, 1909.
know that our first International Day Women took place on March 19, 1911 in several countries in Europe and that first meeting was attended by over a million of women eager to make their demands known to the world:
; The right to vote.
· The right to occupy public office.
· The right to vocational training.
· The right to work and discrimination by the mere fact of being female.
There are many versions of how or why did this day, one of them that the March 8, 1857 in New York factory women, protested by improving their working conditions, after which the employer owns the locked and burned 129 women dying. The myth goes on to say that in commemoration of this event came later Day International Women , but in reality there is no reliable document to corroborate this version, with respect to the above fire: if it occurred, but not in 1857 or 1908, but the March 25, 1911, a few days after the first international meeting in the factory "Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York, which killed more than a hundred workers. The importance that is given is due to be referred to him in many of the subsequent annual meetings.
I found when researching on this subject is that it was in Copenhagen where, in 1910, in holding the Second International Conference of Socialist Women was approved unanimously the establishment of the Day International Women as a method of fighting for the cause of women .

Many will say, "Why not a day of man? The truth is I'm not feminist, I fully understand the differences between each other, not to compare, it would be absurd to pretend to be anything like when we are genetically different, just like to say that there need be an international day, every day there are women who still have two hands seem to have 8, the challenges we we propose and each day we look more, we are students, workers, mothers, doctors, psychologists, market vendors, prostitutes, secretaries, lawyers, dentists, taxi, minibus, president of a company, etc., etc., etc.
women today is not a limit, because in addition to function in an often hostile work environment, we came home with the biggest smiles, kiss, cook, feed and even at night when we die of exhaustion We can be sexy and make love the way you can be richer, WOMEN CONGRATULATIONS for being as the supreme being who made us, strong and sensitive.
Women who made history there are thousands here name a few:
1. Marie Curie
2. Frida Kahlo
3. Florence Nightingale
4. Aung San Suu Kyi
5. Joan of Arc
6. Digna Ochoa
7. Gabriela Mistral
8. Indira Gandhi
9. Queen Victoria
10. The unnamed woman need not be famous in the history books but we can find anywhere else, just simply look up and see one.
Today could include n number of successful women but I will say that the outstanding women who have made history in RP & R are:
1. Kathy
2. Fayette
3. Rasta Girl (in the valley)
4. Mimis
5. Fah Bellamy
6. Marilu
7. Picoxita
8. Engel
9. Emoozha
10. Lilith Iqadi
11. Vouyeuristas All those women !!!!!
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Just think !!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE WOMEN !!
I leave an excellent theme for a movie called Iron Jawed Angels .
If you want to see the full movie Tropical Diseases: HERE
BY Iqadi Lilith
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