alla you there!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Yeduc Buying On Line From Tijana
Defects Horoscope
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):
Enough of the fantastic qualities always say horoscope for all zodiac signs. These are the real qualities of people according to their origins and astrological all astrologers know but so far none has dared to say
ARIES (March 21-April 20):
You think very honest, upright, independent and powerful. Well, that shit you just create them. What you really love, is to send and everything is always done in the goddamn way you want, so I have to go to blows. But deep down, you what it is, is a flabby shit (although I hate to admit). You do not get to influence anyone because they cleave the lies, but it happens all the time trying to display their "power." The strip is very liberal, but emputa easily when things get out of control. It is known that what you really wanted was to rule the world, but you never dominate and their children. Arians are good to serve as judges, mothers, Greco-Roman wrestlers and physical education teachers.
TAURUS (April 21-May 20):
You have a determination stray dog \u200b\u200band works like hell. Most people think that you are a miserable miser and a stone head, and indeed they are right. His "persistence" it actually becomes a lame fucking eggs!. It is sweet to the belly water, loves nature, the affairs of others and who love him, when you paste your rechingada he wins. Cree to be right in everything, when in reality almost always is watering, but it's so fucking, that although he recognizes, is not supported or less fist and apologizes to anyone. The bulls are good athletes, encyclopedia salesman (door to door) and interior designers.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
the strip you are communicative, curious, good humored, intelligent and very bitchen, but in reality you are a fake shit 2 sides. His lack of consistency in the things he does, and damned lazy to permanently make it a perfect handle and keyhole. You do not give a damn, what others feel or think and feel fulfilled by putting the horn to all its partners. For you friends are not friends, only serve to get what they want and then just send them to fuck your mother. The Gemini people are generally successful in politics, in the circus, in the novels of the 8, and jumping fences to escape their creditors.
CANCER (June 21-July 21) :
You become the supportive, defensive and sympathetic to the problems of others, what makes you a poor, miserable bastard. You consider yourself a fool and feel that nobody wants. His compassion, sensitivity and emotion, makes the cancer man, a fucking tremendous potential and women with cancer, marriage counselors, police women or nuns. The Cancerians are performing well as hairdressers, best friends and romantic ... what is the same as nothing.
LEO (July 22 to August 22):
You are considered a natural leader, but others think you are a perfect idiot. You are conceited, arrogant and impatient, it is believed the last Coca-Cola in the desert and usually respond to the criticisms leveled at the point of chingadazos, what you call character is probably intolerant of others. Always want to impose their ideas on others, but always others recognize that you are a poor fool who does not know and give mothers by their side for not listening pregnant. The Leo's are very good traffic cops, dictators and insurgents.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22):
You are the logical type, systematic, hardworking, and very analytical. His attitude shitty and being so fucking fuckers exaggerated, they do annoying for your friends and colleagues. You're cold, no emotions, you think all are jerks, mothers care what others think and does what you want, you are a highly treacherous, selfish and proud. Virginians do well as bus conductors, critics and owners of puzzles.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22):
You want others to think that is artistic, idealistic, with class and good taste, that is, if male, probably fucking and if female is immature, vulgar and capricious. Dice protect others and fight against injustice, but because by dint expect something in return. Although he did not like to admit, is a damn stubborn, stingy, hypocritical and manipulative. Use every opportunity you have to disqualify the other to other to get along. Librans are good lawyers, architects and managers of homeless shelters.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21):
You are the worst of all, suspicious, vengeful, obsessive, vindictive, cold, proud, mischievous, cynical, calculating and a bastard to do business. You are the perfect Son of a bitch. Just loves his mom and himself, by the way, some of you even love the mother, because they have no mother. Beware the scorpion men, because they can sting with its tail. The Scorpio has the conditions for terrorist, Nazi, fiscal tax and football referee.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):
You think optimistic, adventurous and has a strong tendency to do so mediocre, lack of proof does not finish anything he starts, nothing takes it seriously, living in a bubble of childhood dreams stupid and idiots. You meet all the conditions to be immature, undisciplined, childish, irresponsible, and limited concentration. That explains why most Sagittarians never achieve anything. They are excellent waiters, globetrotter and idiots.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 21):
You are conservative, serious, cold and inflexible as a steel bar. His faithfulness and patience, are not sufficient arguments to hide their materialism and ambitious side, but ... "What the fuck you care, if you like your damn money is going? Would sell his mother if there's a good deal of work to make old whore in the nearest corner of your home without paying the taxi. Capricorns are successful as bankers, lenders or have at home, the money of the wife.
AQUARIUM (January 22 to February 18):
You think you have a creative mind and led to progress, so you often is reality and make the same crap over and over because it is so stupid and stubborn and capricious. If you have not caught 'in flagrante' was because some idiots over you. Aquariums love novels and do not admit they love to gather in groups to talk shit and a half. Aquarians are optimal trade unionists and stylists, sometimes the two things at once.
PISCES (February 19-March 20):
You are the type dreamer idiot, mystical, sensitive and tends to give much. If you are male, your chances of becoming whore are very high. You are full of petty and superfluous of advice, do nothing other than idiots and try the patience and pocket guey all about them, because they believe every damn fish, that they alone are perfect, but it is Zodiac perfect stupid. Piscean women, it is a good presenter of children's programs and pornographic actress.
For El Pelon
Does Cm Incease Before Period
With Reason ...
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was looking for information on the Japanese restaurant, Harumi, which is located in the same building where the optical center Ruba, as these are the values \u200b\u200bunderpinning for business, with no outstanding reason? So if you leave things, luck is the goddess of the inept. What are values? Value: Property that a person possesses. Is an asset that is identified with good and valuable. Values: is the consideration it should be with everyone. Our ability to act. Are the virtues that should have each person. human values: emotional needs to help the man to seek self-fulfillment and personal enrichment values \u200b\u200bhave become an increasingly common theme in all fields, inter alia relate to excellence, success, prosperity and harmonious coexistence. Give us the strength to push us to accomplish great things. our filters are disposed of our conception of the world and ourselves. Governors of the brain that allow action and behavior. They are created through personal experiences Our experienced belief system can change. A belief may be valid in certain areas or times, and in another time and place can produce unwanted results. It is important to know what are the beliefs that move us. is the philosophy professed by the Samurai in ancient Japan. These values \u200b\u200bare still practiced today, and that perfect and beyond human beings. In Japanese tradition, the Bush is a term translated as "the way of the warrior." In its original form, are recognized in the seven virtues associated with Bushido: Righteousness, Courage, Compassion, Respect, Honesty, Honor and Loyalty. Gi - Righteousness Be honest in your dealings with the world. Do not take what is not yours. There is only right and wrong. Yuu - Courage faces life with courage and bravery in trying to fulfill your goals and life goals. Hiding like a turtle in its shell is not living. A samurai must have heroic courage. Jin - Benevolence Through intense training the Samurai becomes quick and strong. Develop your daily skills and learn what you do not know. intelligently transmits your virtues to others . Rei - Respect A Samurai is courteous even to his enemies. A Samurai is not only respected for their ferocity in battle, but also their treatment by others . Makoto - Honesty When a Samurai has said he will, it is as if you were already done. Not to "give their word," should not "promise", the simple act of talking has set in motion the act of doing. Talking and doing are the same action . Fulfill your obligations and bears the consequences of your actions. Meiyo - Honor Authentic Samurai has only one judge in his own honor, and is himself. Nobody can hide from yourself and act with transparency. Chuugi - Loyalty A Samurai is immensely loyal to those under their care. For those of who is responsible, remains ever faithful. | | |
For Firefox Zorrito | | |
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
Can I Put A Duffel Bag In The Dryer
You know what I say? Topas you
That wave!, Think you know what you're saying? you say what you know? do not know and do not say? they do not think more, I leave a list of common words they think they know they mean and that's why they say, I found the list online, but I would add a lot;).
: four-letter word, two vowels, two consonants and two idiots.
ARCHITECT: It is said of a kind was not sufficiently "macho" to be an engineer, nor maricon enough to be a designer.
FRIEND: It is said the person of the opposite sex has that "not that" eliminates any intention of going to bed with him.
DANCE: The vertical frustration of a horizontal desire.
BOY SCOUT: A child dressed as commanded by a stupid stupid dress child.
CANDIDATE: A person who obtains money from the rich and votes from the poor to protect them from each other.
TRUST: Via given free a person to commit a series of nonsense.
disappointment: When the rear pretty different from the hideous face turned.
ORAL EXAM: Try to get a scholarship at the White House.
EASY: It is said of the woman who has the sexual morals of a man.
FOOTBALL: It's what every woman marries without knowing it.
INDIFFERENCE: Attitude it takes a woman to a man who is not interested, which is interpreted by the man as "the difficult is being done."
LANGUAGE: some degenerate sexual organ used to talk.
MODESTY: Recognizing that one is not perfect, but without telling anyone.
UPSET: A person who talks when you wish you listened.
nymphomaniac: A term to which a man defines a woman who wants sex more often than.
SUPERMODELS: Evidence that all others are poorly made.
TEAMWORK: Ability to shift blame to other
A CHINGADAZOS: Submit to violence.
A EGG: By force. Necessarily required.
A Vergaz: Hits repetitive. Submission.
loose: cedi, said of himself.
IS THE FART?: Investigation of the events.
Ass: The best ever.
Culero: That's bad feelings. With the worst finishes.
sucked: Strong. Muscular.
Mamone: Person with an air of grandeur and power. ME
Charge: Obtaining the surprise hit.
PENDEJO: Walk in the park, wandering.
PENDEJO: Lacking powers.
For Mayiwey
That wave!, Think you know what you're saying? you say what you know? do not know and do not say? they do not think more, I leave a list of common words they think they know they mean and that's why they say, I found the list online, but I would add a lot;).
: four-letter word, two vowels, two consonants and two idiots.
ARCHITECT: It is said of a kind was not sufficiently "macho" to be an engineer, nor maricon enough to be a designer.
FRIEND: It is said the person of the opposite sex has that "not that" eliminates any intention of going to bed with him.
DANCE: The vertical frustration of a horizontal desire.
BOY SCOUT: A child dressed as commanded by a stupid stupid dress child.
CANDIDATE: A person who obtains money from the rich and votes from the poor to protect them from each other.
TRUST: Via given free a person to commit a series of nonsense.
disappointment: When the rear pretty different from the hideous face turned.
ORAL EXAM: Try to get a scholarship at the White House.
EASY: It is said of the woman who has the sexual morals of a man.
FOOTBALL: It's what every woman marries without knowing it.
INDIFFERENCE: Attitude it takes a woman to a man who is not interested, which is interpreted by the man as "the difficult is being done."
LANGUAGE: some degenerate sexual organ used to talk.
MODESTY: Recognizing that one is not perfect, but without telling anyone.
UPSET: A person who talks when you wish you listened.
nymphomaniac: A term to which a man defines a woman who wants sex more often than.
SUPERMODELS: Evidence that all others are poorly made.
TEAMWORK: Ability to shift blame to other
A CHINGADAZOS: Submit to violence.
A EGG: By force. Necessarily required.
A Vergaz: Hits repetitive. Submission.
loose: cedi, said of himself.
IS THE FART?: Investigation of the events.
Ass: The best ever.
Culero: That's bad feelings. With the worst finishes.
sucked: Strong. Muscular.
Mamone: Person with an air of grandeur and power. ME
Charge: Obtaining the surprise hit.
PENDEJO: Walk in the park, wandering.
PENDEJO: Lacking powers.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Can Running Change Your Menstrual Cycle
But Me
had almost 20 years and still "remained" virgin. The focus my teenage years in the political struggle and activism against the obscurantist PRI government and the causes of undocumented migrants and U.S., I became an opinion leader in my school, surrounded by many friends. Operator of a collective and influential student, many friends, first love, but sex still nothing ... and boy opportunities to experience "my first" not failed me, honestly, but they did not.
One morning, after leaving a nightclub in the city famous and a bit drunk, after saying goodbye to some friends, I set out to leave the brothel, I refused to take a taxi at the moment, I decided to walk, that night: the morra to which, for some time in that dive gave me wings "asshole hitting me in the end did not know then that she was playing , but I'm hitting, and even refused to accept the rose that with so much I decided to send him.
then I thought, fuck! And I imagined me "my first time" with it ... anyway.
He had a stretch run, but was a little tired ... so I decided to take a taxi, and what I did, I never imagine what was going to live this night:
The driver was a young man of my age, but was accompanied by a woman who at the time we are half his age, a brunette with long hair that looked pretty appealing. ;
asked if they were free, as she was by his side, and I said yes. She was only her friend who accompanied him. Ok. I got them specify the address.
During the trip, I realize that the woman was drinking and asked the driver to one or another grounder. He became.
She looked into my place and start a talk:
I do not know what to say, but time I thought, hey! And if it happens ... no! Is an unknown ... but this "good" the brunette ... to see.
sat down beside me, with beer in hand, I invite you, drank, and now for soon we were kissing, the driver just looked and said nothing. Noticing her my excitement. He just said take us to a motel, the one outside of the city.
I "happy" finally arrived and unwillingly, the time to "lose" my virginity.
Once installed
in the room, and beer involved, I must admit, seeing pornographic videos with the beat of the preparation does not really teach you anything, I wanted to imitate one of those porn stars, but it turned out, because I was ashamed to say that until that age still had no "experience" so she, sensing my awkwardness, I wonder:
-with you?! You walk wrong or ...
-no! All good .. . Just that ... well ... that
-wave, to see tell me daddy
-is ... ha ... (....) .... I have not even ... um ... I'm a virgin ... "VIRGEN !!!!?????
And suddenly changed his attitude, I still saddened by the "confession" did not know how to react was all so sudden. I threw to the bed, climbed on me, scratched my chest, pull my hair, at that time did not know, but began to violent ... sexually abused.
She was outside Yes, apparently influenced what I said all this, but in their eagerness to satisfy sexually hurt me, slapping my face, but scratches on his chest and back ... and in a moment I thought that's how I wanted it to be " my first time " or that's how they should be?
hurting Up and down, not knowing where he was the sexual pleasure porn actors enjoyed so much. I just saw blood on my chest and legs, scared, surprised. There was a moment. I said enough is enough ... and ... but I said no, that would end when she decided that if it was man that I had to "endure" ... shouting threats and curses.
I felt pain, severe pain, nausea and shame after riots with sweat and blood, but it was there on my own risk. ANYONE looking for me. I had it in my hands and I decided to go ahead with that.
Not much time passed, I took an eternity to me with the pain felt everywhere, from my genitals to my face, but among all the confusion I did not know how to react. Each word is a threat, a joke.
Already in the morning, the driver played the horn, was there because she asked to do so ... I woke up with his hand pulling my hair, saying that I have used a condom waging of a pregnancy, I would look for if something happened, I was threatened, told me that while I slept had opened my wallet, I had my data, my address. phones, everything.
was when I woke up, still sore from all over, I saw that not only had bruises and blood on my chest and back, if not in my face and my neck ... I felt awful . I was going to say in my home ... man, as leader of my group and 100 opportunities to live a different experience ... so I did not want to be "my first time."
The bruises justify and hit with my family, it was easy, a simpe fight, telling my friends on another day in the club "had thrown me a treintaytantos old" was also easy, I admired every bruise on his neck. It was a "bold" ... who knew? ... what?
After all this and about the high school counselor professional friends, I knew that there was talk he was not my "first time" not just a sex session ... who had been sexually violated. That while consensus, it was closer a violation of a sexual encounter.
My fear and shame they decided not to go further, I just said you had the chance to think twice and did not. Are a man, but fortunately did not go to, but only this of you, appreciate it, your body, your sexuality and do not get it, if not wait for this delicate and feminine woman who is determined to take "complete" your first time. ..
And they know, there are many things of Bofo or I do not mock me, including: the death of a parent, death of a sibling, death de un amigo y la violaciĆ³n de una persona, ya sea hombre o ya sea mujer. Solo se que este “artista” como cualquier hombre, haya violado o no, debiĆ³ pensarlo DOS veces antes de ir mas adelante con una morrita asĆ. Pero bueno, esta viviendo su causa y efecto: SU PRUEBA Y ERROR.
He pensado mucho en subir esta entrada, pero tambiĆ©n es la primera vez que hago tan publico esto.. no se… pero que les puedo decir… siento una especie de “alivio” al escribir estas lĆneas.
So men ... if we think we can go around the world abusing women or doing "what hit us the win" with them, I think sometimes we're wrong ... there are some women that when "one" just go ... they are coming ...
We can give the bastards, but we know that life will put us a lot of testing before moving forward or not. There was already a cause, and there was a mistake ... it is a matter of us if we learn from this, or we let ourselves go. always we will find somebody.
'm not interested in Mexican entertainment, I see little or no redeeming and very difficult I think, because I do not like to think of something that is not , but these days I've been hearing from some classmates for a "singer", which currently faces a rape charge process. No I am happy, not distressed me, and I go, nor do I come ...
But respect for what is now going through this person. For I am convinced that in this life, the situations which is facing us at any given time only live this way: cause and effect test: trial and error.
But respect for what is now going through this person. For I am convinced that in this life, the situations which is facing us at any given time only live this way: cause and effect test: trial and error.
and certainly ... I lived a proper case.
had almost 20 years and still "remained" virgin. The focus my teenage years in the political struggle and activism against the obscurantist PRI government and the causes of undocumented migrants and U.S., I became an opinion leader in my school, surrounded by many friends. Operator of a collective and influential student, many friends, first love, but sex still nothing ... and boy opportunities to experience "my first" not failed me, honestly, but they did not.
One morning, after leaving a nightclub in the city famous and a bit drunk, after saying goodbye to some friends, I set out to leave the brothel, I refused to take a taxi at the moment, I decided to walk, that night: the morra to which, for some time in that dive gave me wings "asshole hitting me in the end did not know then that she was playing , but I'm hitting, and even refused to accept the rose that with so much I decided to send him.
then I thought, fuck! And I imagined me "my first time" with it ... anyway.
He had a stretch run, but was a little tired ... so I decided to take a taxi, and what I did, I never imagine what was going to live this night:
The driver was a young man of my age, but was accompanied by a woman who at the time we are half his age, a brunette with long hair that looked pretty appealing. ;
asked if they were free, as she was by his side, and I said yes. She was only her friend who accompanied him. Ok. I got them specify the address.
During the trip, I realize that the woman was drinking and asked the driver to one or another grounder. He became.
She looked into my place and start a talk:
- where you come from?
-in a dive, you know ...
-si, and wave after that so sad?
"It's okay, you know, women ...
- is whether ... we are a bitch right?
haha \u200b\u200bjust smiled and nodded.
Suddenly, she tells the hill, stop, I'm going to go "back" with my friends ... is very alone.
-in a dive, you know ...
-si, and wave after that so sad?
"It's okay, you know, women ...
- is whether ... we are a bitch right?
haha \u200b\u200bjust smiled and nodded.
Suddenly, she tells the hill, stop, I'm going to go "back" with my friends ... is very alone.
I do not know what to say, but time I thought, hey! And if it happens ... no! Is an unknown ... but this "good" the brunette ... to see.
sat down beside me, with beer in hand, I invite you, drank, and now for soon we were kissing, the driver just looked and said nothing. Noticing her my excitement. He just said take us to a motel, the one outside of the city.
I "happy" finally arrived and unwillingly, the time to "lose" my virginity.
Once installed
in the room, and beer involved, I must admit, seeing pornographic videos with the beat of the preparation does not really teach you anything, I wanted to imitate one of those porn stars, but it turned out, because I was ashamed to say that until that age still had no "experience" so she, sensing my awkwardness, I wonder:
-with you?! You walk wrong or ...
-no! All good .. . Just that ... well ... that
-wave, to see tell me daddy
-is ... ha ... (....) .... I have not even ... um ... I'm a virgin ... "VIRGEN !!!!?????
And suddenly changed his attitude, I still saddened by the "confession" did not know how to react was all so sudden. I threw to the bed, climbed on me, scratched my chest, pull my hair, at that time did not know, but began to violent ... sexually abused.
She was outside Yes, apparently influenced what I said all this, but in their eagerness to satisfy sexually hurt me, slapping my face, but scratches on his chest and back ... and in a moment I thought that's how I wanted it to be " my first time " or that's how they should be?
hurting Up and down, not knowing where he was the sexual pleasure porn actors enjoyed so much. I just saw blood on my chest and legs, scared, surprised. There was a moment. I said enough is enough ... and ... but I said no, that would end when she decided that if it was man that I had to "endure" ... shouting threats and curses.
I felt pain, severe pain, nausea and shame after riots with sweat and blood, but it was there on my own risk. ANYONE looking for me. I had it in my hands and I decided to go ahead with that.
Not much time passed, I took an eternity to me with the pain felt everywhere, from my genitals to my face, but among all the confusion I did not know how to react. Each word is a threat, a joke.
Already in the morning, the driver played the horn, was there because she asked to do so ... I woke up with his hand pulling my hair, saying that I have used a condom waging of a pregnancy, I would look for if something happened, I was threatened, told me that while I slept had opened my wallet, I had my data, my address. phones, everything.
was when I woke up, still sore from all over, I saw that not only had bruises and blood on my chest and back, if not in my face and my neck ... I felt awful . I was going to say in my home ... man, as leader of my group and 100 opportunities to live a different experience ... so I did not want to be "my first time."
The bruises justify and hit with my family, it was easy, a simpe fight, telling my friends on another day in the club "had thrown me a treintaytantos old" was also easy, I admired every bruise on his neck. It was a "bold" ... who knew? ... what?
After all this and about the high school counselor professional friends, I knew that there was talk he was not my "first time" not just a sex session ... who had been sexually violated. That while consensus, it was closer a violation of a sexual encounter.
My fear and shame they decided not to go further, I just said you had the chance to think twice and did not. Are a man, but fortunately did not go to, but only this of you, appreciate it, your body, your sexuality and do not get it, if not wait for this delicate and feminine woman who is determined to take "complete" your first time. ..
And they know, there are many things
He pensado mucho en subir esta entrada, pero tambiĆ©n es la primera vez que hago tan publico esto.. no se… pero que les puedo decir… siento una especie de “alivio” al escribir estas lĆneas.
So men ... if we think we can go around the world abusing women or doing "what hit us the win" with them, I think sometimes we're wrong ... there are some women that when "one" just go ... they are coming ...
We can give the bastards, but we know that life will put us a lot of testing before moving forward or not. There was already a cause, and there was a mistake ... it is a matter of us if we learn from this, or we let ourselves go. always we will find somebody.
THANK YOU for your time and space. Vicmanol
How To Become Makeup Artist For Adult Films
The Week
This is a place for those who do, deserve or earn the award:
So to be careful, because you could placed on our honor roll. The bases are:
1. You may nominate one person as long as you are logged in our chat.
2. a tray of the week can be for women, men, fantasy, public figure or a mere mortal
3. You nominate the person and explain why it is nominated
4. If nominee and eventual winner of "the tray of the Week" is a mere mortal must agree to appear in our Hall of Fame
5. Each week we will make the announcement of the nominees and winner in virtual time to designate
6. The end result is irrefutable, indisputable and eventually (as they say ... I'll fuck you up!!)
And the honor roll goes as follows:
Week 8 Not knowing how to put music as broadcaster.
Week 8
To say tuitio in transmission when Twitter.
Week 7
come asking if it had finished the program of the Doc on Thursday at midnight (the program is on Wednesday).
PD: No photo precisely because of his delay, do not see your avatar.
Week 7
come asking if it had finished the program of the Doc on Thursday at midnight (the program is on Wednesday).

for live call radio and spend more than 30 minutes composing his micro-air ... at the end did not work. RUSITOO
for taking a month to put a picture on the 5 Letras. Congratulations Rusitoo!
PD: No photo precisely because of his delay, do not see your avatar.

To mention twice a pastor in the count of comments for the contest of the photos Wera .
For confuse live radio broadcast, the H Bar to chat on another page.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Undigested Food In Bath
tray before you run out Psycho-Resources
As I said earlier, before the end of this Women's Day, here I leave this video ...
What's That Job Called
Hello, estimates two readers, I'm Kathy, some people seem to know my name because others do not and for which no, is that I am a psychologist, as they say then, craziness. My intention today is to talk something happened to me last week.
But to talk about what happened, I need to explain something first, psychology as a scientific discipline job, career, art or however you want to call, uses certain techniques of evaluation, similar to what doctors do with his stethoscope, to estimate or measure, the behavioral trait, the severity of depression in which is a person, IQ and pure high-profile of those.
Returning to the story ... told them about last week, I looked in the tubes (internet) an instrument, that instrument is used to diagnose schizophrenia, therefore movement is not as regular as it can be one of intelligence (for instance) and as I walked in magazines, forums, blogs and so on, until I gave with a blog, this blog is a kind of community where psychologists interested can access the assessment tools they want, provided they send a contribution may be cash or other instrument that is useful for itself community.
So I rather excited (because in that community had what I wanted) I send you an email and tell them I'm twinkie, I left school so that they can corroborate in the portal the secretary of education and kindly proceed to apply the instrument to which, sending one that I have and that was not on their list of available tests.
The next day I got a pretty dull response of Messrs. (Peruvian certainly ¬ ¬), and say, "We can not exchange because the instrument that you send us is easy to find in the net "and I ... >.\u0026lt;... because although they did not want me to send or mothers, which I had sent them and that even before I did the shipment did not have (damn abusive). Then I counted to 10.000 because I really needed the instrument and wrote something like: "I have the book so and so, let me know if it can exchange.
This story ends where ever and just because they were given the wins, I shared the happy instrument. But guess what? I lied, this story is not finished when I saw that those requests were in vain thought, "Well, do these idiots do they think? people just because they shared what they have and have a large database already handmade feel?. So from the bottom of my heart came something like, "fuck your REPUTED MOTHER PERUVIAN PINS, maybe my thinking was very aggressive but honor to the veracity of the story I have to share with you.
So he decided to start my own community to share resources on the Internet concerning the beautiful discipline to which I devote myself and filled me with satisfaction (which paid, lol). So today, I have the honor to present before him the name of the blog readers:, the matter will operate as follows: I will be posting periodically instruments that I have in my own inventory, and who wants to access them, you have only to request it, of course, sending something back, so it can offer more and more. Here's the difference, I'm not going to put as castor as those friends in the neighboring country of Miss Laura and all contributions will be gladly received.
By Kathy
Is It Bad To Have Strep Throat More Than Once?
movement Pro-women's rights not emerge in the twentieth century or the century, there is a documented history dating back before, but until the twentieth century earned more achievements, always with the sacrifice and struggle of many women who do not comply.
Continuing the story of the struggle of women ue f March 8 1917 in Russia where, as a result of food shortages, women rioted . This important event marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution, which led to the fall of the Tsar and the establishment of a provisional government first time by giving women the right to vote . Due to the importance of this event, especially because it was women who carried it out, it seems that definitely stood on March 8 Gregorian calendar the International Day of Women .
I leave an excellent theme for a movie called Iron Jawed Angels .
Today is a day for women, but really every day is a day of women worldwide every day there are hundreds, thousands, millions of women who struggle, strive, learn, grow, reproduce and die lol and although that sounds like biology is the truth, so as a woman proud of the XX genetic information, I had to either make a contribution by referring to this date.

Before enacting the March 8 as International Day Women had already held similar events among which include the Women's Day held in the United States February 28, 1909.
know that our first International Day Women took place on March 19, 1911 in several countries in Europe and that first meeting was attended by over a million of women eager to make their demands known to the world:
; The right to vote.
· The right to occupy public office.
· The right to vocational training.
· The right to work and discrimination by the mere fact of being female.
There are many versions of how or why did this day, one of them that the March 8, 1857 in New York factory women, protested by improving their working conditions, after which the employer owns the locked and burned 129 women dying. The myth goes on to say that in commemoration of this event came later Day International Women , but in reality there is no reliable document to corroborate this version, with respect to the above fire: if it occurred, but not in 1857 or 1908, but the March 25, 1911, a few days after the first international meeting in the factory "Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York, which killed more than a hundred workers. The importance that is given is due to be referred to him in many of the subsequent annual meetings.
I found when researching on this subject is that it was in Copenhagen where, in 1910, in holding the Second International Conference of Socialist Women was approved unanimously the establishment of the Day International Women as a method of fighting for the cause of women .

Many will say, "Why not a day of man? The truth is I'm not feminist, I fully understand the differences between each other, not to compare, it would be absurd to pretend to be anything like when we are genetically different, just like to say that there need be an international day, every day there are women who still have two hands seem to have 8, the challenges we we propose and each day we look more, we are students, workers, mothers, doctors, psychologists, market vendors, prostitutes, secretaries, lawyers, dentists, taxi, minibus, president of a company, etc., etc., etc.
women today is not a limit, because in addition to function in an often hostile work environment, we came home with the biggest smiles, kiss, cook, feed and even at night when we die of exhaustion We can be sexy and make love the way you can be richer, WOMEN CONGRATULATIONS for being as the supreme being who made us, strong and sensitive.
Women who made history there are thousands here name a few:
1. Marie Curie
2. Frida Kahlo
3. Florence Nightingale
4. Aung San Suu Kyi
5. Joan of Arc
6. Digna Ochoa
7. Gabriela Mistral
8. Indira Gandhi
9. Queen Victoria
10. The unnamed woman need not be famous in the history books but we can find anywhere else, just simply look up and see one.
Today could include n number of successful women but I will say that the outstanding women who have made history in RP & R are:
1. Kathy
2. Fayette
3. Rasta Girl (in the valley)
4. Mimis
5. Fah Bellamy
6. Marilu
7. Picoxita
8. Engel
9. Emoozha
10. Lilith Iqadi
11. Vouyeuristas All those women !!!!!
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Just think !!!!!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE WE ARE WOMEN !!
I leave an excellent theme for a movie called Iron Jawed Angels .
If you want to see the full movie Tropical Diseases: HERE
BY Iqadi Lilith
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