Taking into account these recommendations could save your life
Being a victim of plagiarism is distressing and a lottery if you out the ticket, the key to survive physically and mentally is to keep calm, exercise caution and prepare themselves psychologically for what is to live
Kidnapping is a planned activity. And cats in Africa carefully select their prey by picking the most vulnerable or lonely and prepared with extreme caution the attack, just as happens with the kidnappers. Regular offenders make earlier work in the following the victim for several days to study its transit routes, activities and schedules in order to successfully achieve its mission: to kidnap the person on the first try, knowing that fail, it will take preventive measures that will hamper a second attack. The numbers handled by the authorities show that 90% of the abductions are carried cabo cuando la persona va en su auto por alguna vía poco transitada, al salir de su residencia o al llegar a ella, pero más importante aún es saber que ocurren cuando la persona está desprevenida. Si bien pueden seguirse algunos consejos para evitar estas situaciones, es poco probable que la persona sea experta en seguridad y en algún momento estará distraída convirtiéndose en una presa fácil. Es aquí cuando los secuestradores hacen su movimiento, tal como un león abalanzándose sobre un ciervo.
Kidnapping is a planned activity. And cats in Africa carefully select their prey by picking the most vulnerable or lonely and prepared with extreme caution the attack, just as happens with the kidnappers. Regular offenders make earlier work in the following the victim for several days to study its transit routes, activities and schedules in order to successfully achieve its mission: to kidnap the person on the first try, knowing that fail, it will take preventive measures that will hamper a second attack. The numbers handled by the authorities show that 90% of the abductions are carried cabo cuando la persona va en su auto por alguna vía poco transitada, al salir de su residencia o al llegar a ella, pero más importante aún es saber que ocurren cuando la persona está desprevenida. Si bien pueden seguirse algunos consejos para evitar estas situaciones, es poco probable que la persona sea experta en seguridad y en algún momento estará distraída convirtiéndose en una presa fácil. Es aquí cuando los secuestradores hacen su movimiento, tal como un león abalanzándose sobre un ciervo.
Maneja los nervios
De fallar todas las previsiones y caer en un momento como éste, lo principal es que mantengas la calma y la cabeza bien focused, even though this is difficult:
De fallar todas las previsiones y caer en un momento como éste, lo principal es que mantengas la calma y la cabeza bien focused, even though this is difficult:
• The abductor may be "new to the area" because they do not know how to manage the situation well or it could be "of an expert" in which case you may have more control the situation and know how to take better to the victim. However, the neural factor is always present and maintain a peaceful environment is recommended.
• Forget the movies and all his fiction, what is happening is real and you're happening to you.
• You may go into shock with shock and violent reactions, you're a nervous wreck or not go into why, but all these attitudes are counterproductive. Instead, it is ignoring all the signs of the kidnappers and answer only what they ask you.
• Even if you take the blindfold is to find you in space. In what kind of vehicle you have, how many minutes have gone, it's a road or highway, if road is in good condition or not. This information could be vital. Memorize.
• If the case and sedan will not put resistance.
• Do not try to escape or struggle.
• Remain silent, uses no verbal violence and less currents or invent you meet influential people.
• Do not reveal information that is not requested. Nor do you comment if there is money in your home or manage many money accounts you and your family.
• Minimize the extent of your financial condition as possible, but do not try and fool the kidnappers. It is very likely to know very well how much money generated monthly you or your family.
• Make them understand that you are working. Do not tell them in no time they will not achieve its mission, they will not get the ransom or they're going to be very difficult.
• Reports to the kidnappers if you have any condition that requires medication or special treatment. • Prepare yourself mentally
be sequestered indefinitely.
• Try to keep morale high. Do not think that your family will have forgotten you or Holiday ideas in your head alone. • Make the minimum
the "comforts" that will provide the kidnappers. If you get distracted seeks TV or radio at least several hours a day to maintain mental health.
• Eat well to reserve energy. Usually kidnappers are what you eat like you, also believes that it should not poison them (are divided into several groups such as: equipment, negotiating and caring for the victim)
• Try to stay as clean that allow you the conditions.
• Exercise the muscles you're still tied. For this contract them or pressing them several times a day for a few minutes. This will help you physically and mentally.
• Maintain a good relationship with your captors, but even though their link with you and be kind recalls that it was they who put you in that situation, so beware.
• Do not worry if the negotiations or the final release is delayed.
• If you reach a ransom be armed and you're in a building, try to stay away from windows and crouch at all times.
• If asked to leave the place do it slowly and showing if your hands are free. Remember that the police will suspect everyone, including you.
• Perhaps in that moment the authorities treat you indiscriminately but do not oppose them.
• Stay alert at all times.
The hostages are not the only ones who suffer in case of plagiarism. Family and close friends are also touched by this situation and are participants. In the event that a family member is kidnapped:
• Make the fear aside and immediately contact the authorities. This requires to be done from a phone other than the home, cell or office.
• Do not comment on the situation to anyone, even other family members outside inner circle, service persons, partners or friends. Everyone is suspicious, it could also spread the word thus aggravate the rescue.
• If the information is sneaking, refute the rumors, making up for that particular story: the person is on a business trip.
• No research on their own. Leave everything in the hands of experts.
• Assemble a family council to choose who is suitable to act as negotiator. The authorities will recommend that the family is stronger and bolder in the talks.
• Require demonstration of good health of the kidnapped. • Make
If the authorities at all times and trust them.
• Stay calm.
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