incorporate Venezuela Deputies study club countries recognize the right of citizens to the "good death"
The "good death" in the world A person with terminal cancer may ask doctors to treat him for help to die and they will comply with that request, without it can result in some legal consequence.
This may be so, provided that approval of the draft Penal Code of that drafted the Domestic Policy Committee of the National Assembly, where euthanasia is legalized.
Article 163 of the text states that "the physician is not punishable who, by the express will of a person working for the law, is required to end his life, scientific procedures, provided that: written certifies any is clear and free expression of his will in the case of senior citizen or emancipated, the applicant submits a terminal illness, incurable, terminal phase observed and confirmed in clinical conditions and the opinion of two doctors from outside the relationship doctor-patient, when the applicant is mentally incapacitated, or has been diagnosed with brain death by prevailing scientific methodology will be taken as an expression of will public document issued by competent authority to pre-event opportunity disabling him and failing the two closest relatives. "
However, the draft does not mention euthanasia, but "autonomy of will" and makes clear that only the person can revoke their consent to receive or stop receiving a treatment that could end his life.
also striking that although it proposes to legalize the "good death" in the text continues to penalize the incitement and abetment of suicide (Article 162), with sentences ranging from four to eight years in prison.
This is not the first time in recent years in Venezuela made a proposal of this type. In 2004, the draft Penal Code that the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) submitted to the National Assembly conducted a similar approach, although it provided for cases could be sanctioned.
Voices against former Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Alberto Arteaga Sanchez, questioned the constitutionality of the proposal in the draft prepared by the Domestic Policy Committee of Parliament.
"Life must be respected from the moment of conception until death and is not a legally available," said the expert, who recalled the statement by the Constitution in Articles 2 and 43.
The first life qualifies as one of the "higher values" of the Venezuelan State and the second states: "The right to life is inviolable. No law shall establish the death penalty and no authority can apply.
Internationally one of the strongest arguments used to reject this practice is that the eventual legalization of euthanasia would reduce the levels of trust in public health systems, because patients may fear that a financial burden for the state chooses to induce death. It can be argued that it would lead to reduced funding for research into diseases that are now considered incurable.
addition to euthanasia other contentious issues contained in the draft Penal Code is the regularization abortion.
Internationally one of the strongest arguments used to reject this practice is that the eventual legalization of euthanasia would reduce the levels of trust in public health systems, because patients may fear that a financial burden for the state chooses to induce death. It can be argued that it would lead to reduced funding for research into diseases that are now considered incurable.
addition to euthanasia other contentious issues contained in the draft Penal Code is the regularization abortion.
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