Thursday, November 26, 2009
At What Temp Do You Start To Lose Brain Cells
This song we chose as the "anthem" of our class. We hope you enjoy it.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Brace Washington State
We perform the following activities: 1 .-
Read the text back to read the text and highlights the most important data:
- place and date of birth
- where he studied
where he lived - where he worked
- discovered what
- how important are their findings to science
2. - organizing and selecting INFORMATION
Sort all the data you've found in two sections:
- basic biographical data: date and place of birth, where he lived, where he studied, where he worked, place and date of death.
- contributions to science discovered how and why it matters what he discovered
3 .- EDIT
begins with basic biographical data
can add some illustration
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bloons For Iphone Walkthrough Pack 3
When we do a problem, the teacher always repeats same activities, namely:
1, individual reading silently the problem
2 nd reading aloud from some pupils
3 º emphasize individual records that appear in the problem
4 º realize the problem individually
5 º in groups, choose the person who we believe has made the problem better
6 º choose one person from each group to perform each of the sections.
Every person, other than to make the transaction or transactions, should explain why it has performed this operation and no other.
Some examples of problems
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Have The Largest Breasts In School
After discussion subject in class, we decided to create a mural, by groups, which appear important aspects that we considered to be healthy or healthy. First we made a draft on a piece of what was to be our wall for later transfer it to the cardboard.
After completing the mural, we discussed our work to the rest of the class while the teacher was recording our shows. Then we saw on the computer how we presented the different groups and talked about things we thought we had done well and we had to improve for the next exhibition. Also, among all, we chose the mural that we liked to put it in the entry there for classes 4, 5 and 6. The other two murals put them in our class, explaining the reasons why I chose it.
Cougars In Bathing Suits
1, recall from tod @ s some of the rules for participation in dialogue:
* Raise hand to speak
* Respect the right to speak
* Do not repeat ideas already exposed otr @ s comrades s
2 nd begin the dialogue that we explain to the rest of the class what it means to be healthy / a. Sometimes a partner is not quite agree with what otr @ has said and ask you explain why you disagree.
3 º After we intervened tod @ s, the teacher asks us, in groups of three, let's define what is to be healthy / as
4 º Put together the different definitions of the groups and tried, with the help of teacher making a single definition, that is:
Can Excercise Change The Length Of Your Period
As the last course we work on different devices the teacher asks us to remember for him to write on the blackboard. It also asks us to remember the functions life, being on the board the following columns:
- Urinary
- nutrition
respiratory- relationship
- musculoskeletal
- reproduction
nervous system
The teacher asks us to copy in the book the two columns and by dates, unite every vital function with the devices involved in them. After giving us a complete scheme we individually with each of the devices.
The schedule is as follows:
APPLIANCE: _______________________
:______________________________ ___________________________________________
MORE IMPORTANT / S IS / ARE: ___________________
INVOLVED IN THE ROLE OF _________________
Complete the chart with each of the devices and make the sharing of work. Each of WE ARE boli s errors corrected to take into the schemes.
What Chromosome Is Usher

Some of the reasons we gave for choosing it were:
- is very clear
is very well written - is the most complete
Does Wrestling A Real Game
- The smallest unit that has its own life
- is microscopic (too small). Can only be seen with a microscope
- have different shapes and sizes
- forming tissues are grouped
Sunday, September 27, 2009
How To Make Rc Car Plow
1 .- What is the flu?
2 .- What are the differences with the normal flu?
3 .- How is it spread?
4 .- What can we do to keep from getting infected?
The next day, each one of WE ARE @ s read aloud the information he obtained. After the sharing, the teacher we requested that, in groups of three, we made a small summary of the concluisones to which we had arrived. Each group read aloud their findings, and among the three groups we chose those that seemed more complete, explaining why we had chosen. These were our conclusions:
The flu is a disease caused by a virus. There are large differences between the flu and regular flu. It is spread by contact, and means we can take to avoid getting infected are:
- Wash your hands often
- Do not share food or drink
- Put a tissue when coughing or sneezing and throw the trash immediately
Since we know exactly the meaning of the word virus, the teacher helps us to search the Internet for its meaning:
- Microorganism that multiply inside living cells.